Why does frequent urination occur during and after ovulation? A woman may want more often than usual
Vaginal secretion during pregnancy In a woman’s body, when she is carrying a baby, large-scale hormonal changes occur.
Officially, abortion at the 13th week is no longer performed at the woman’s request, the last deadline
Advantages of the drug The main advantage of Iodinol in the treatment of candidiasis is the elimination of the causative agent of the disease - fungus
Divigel is used when planning pregnancy when the patient has endometrial hypoplasia. Inner layer of the uterus
Unfortunately, many modern couples know firsthand what infertility is.
Can you ovulate before your period? Every girl has encountered violations at least once
Authors | Last updated: 2019 Modern science has repeatedly proven that it is impossible to create a panacea
Gynecologist at CLINIC21 Olga Arkadyevna Fedorova answered frequently asked questions from patients: How many eggs do you have?
If gynecological problems arise, for example, ovarian cysts, which cannot be treated with