Why there may be a delay in menstruation and pain in the lower abdomen
Every woman experiences a situation when her lower abdomen hurts severely, but she doesn’t have her period. Such
menstruation after cleansing a frozen pregnancy
Heavy menstruation a month after curettage
Cleaning or scraping has a very negative effect on the female body. Regardless of abortifacient
How to get your period back after losing weight? 03
Restoring the menstrual cycle after losing weight
What to do if this happens? To return the cycle and stop the development of amenorrhea, it is necessary that
Bloody discharge instead of menstruation is a good reason for concern
Why is period regularity so important? The regular release of an unfertilized egg is an indicator of women's health. At
My period returned in a week, what does this mean?
Why did my period start after a week? Reasons for repeated menstruation two weeks after the first. Why did my period start again a week after my period: reasons
The course of the menstrual cycle is an important indicator of a woman’s general and reproductive health. Wherein
My feet get cold before my period
Can it get cold during menstruation?
Causes There are different causes of chills before menstruation: increased basal temperature; increased progesterone levels; premenstrual
pregnancy and delay
The advisability of a pregnancy test before menstruation
A delay in the menstrual cycle can be caused by a number of reasons. But the first thing that comes to mind
breast discharge in early pregnancy
Anatomy of the nipples and changes in the breast during pregnancy Nipples are the “ends” of the breast, the outer convex ones
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Why does itching occur after menstruation and how can you combat it?
The main symptom that indicates the presence of an inflammatory or infectious process in the female reproductive organs is
Doctors' opinions on diets
How to eat on critical days - a diet for slimness and peace of mind
Doctors' opinion about diets during menstruation Any gynecologist and nutritionist will categorically prohibit such
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